Tutorials for the OHBM 2023 Educational Course: Physiologic fMRI signals

Physiopy packages are featured in a few hands-on tutorials at the 2023 OHBM course, Physiologic fMRI signals: friend or foe? How and why to measure, model, and account for physiology. See the linked web page for more details about this course.

While it is possible to passively follow tutorials, we would invite you to set up in advance and bring your laptop to follow the tutorials, hands-on, with us.

The setup consists of installing a few python packages and downloading a few data files. Feel free to bring your own files as well!

Below are links to the materials to help you follow along with these tutorials.

Hands (and sensors!) on: a practical guide to acquiring your own physiological data -- Mary Miedema

In this tutorial, we will show how to set up physiological recordings and how to prepare such data for analysis, mainly by changing the format of proprietary file formats to BIDS format.

All materials for this tutorial are available in the following repository: Setup instructions, code, and link to data

One person’s signal is another person's noise: hands-on tutorial to remove physiological fluctuations from MRI data -- Stefano Moia

In this tutorial, we will show how to process physiological data (mainly respiration and cardiac pulse) and prepare models of physiological fluctuations.

All materials for this tutorial are available in the following repository: Setup instructions, code, and link to data

One person’s noise is another person's signal: hands-on tutorial to model cerebrovascular reactivity in BOLD fMRI data -- Kristina Zvolanek

In this tutorial, we will show how to process CO2 recordings and compute cerebrovascular reactivity amplitude and delay maps with fMRI data.

Sample Data